Parking Lot Configuration

Parking Lot Options
Enable Parking Lot Feature:Check this box to enable the parking feature
Parking Lot Extension: This is the extension where you will transfer a call to park it.
Number of Slots:The total number of parking lot spaces to configure. Example, if 70 is the extension and 8 slots are configured, the parking slots will be 71-79
Parking Timeout:The timeout period that a parked call will attempt to ring back the original parker if not answered

Actions for Timed-Out Orphans
Parking Alert-Info: Alert-Info to put in channel before going to defined destination below. This can create distinct rings on some SIP phones and can serve to alert the recipients that the call is from an Orphaned parked call
CallerID Prepend: String to pre-pend to the current Caller-ID associated with this call (if any), before going to defined destination below. This can serve to alert the recipients that the call is from an Orphaned parked call
Announcement:Optional message to be played to the orphaned caller prior to going on the to supplied destination below.

To add additional recordings please use the "System Recordings" MENU to the left

Destination for Orphaned Parked Calls: