
This section allows you to create voice announcement or message based on system recordings, so you can make different scenarios for receiving incoming calls
Add Announcement
Description:The name of this announcement
Recording:Message to be played.
To add additional recordings use the "System Recordings" MENU to the left
Repeat:Key to press that will allow for the message to be replayed. If you choose this option there will be a short delay inserted after the message. If a longer delay is needed it should be incoporated into the recording.
Allow Skip:If the caller is allowed to press a key to skip the message.
Return to IVR:If this announcement came from an IVR and this box is checked, the destination below will be ignored and instead it will return to the calling IVR. Otherwise, the destination below will be taken. Don't check if not using in this mode.
The IVR return location will be to the last IVR in the call chain that was called so be careful to only check when needed. For example, if an IVR directs a call to another destination which eventually calls this annoucement and this box is checked, it will return to that IVR which may not be the expected behavior.
Don't Answer Channel:Check this to keep the channel from explicitly being answered. When checked, the message will be played and if the channel is not already answered it will be delivered as early media if the channel supports that. When not checked, the channel is answered followed by a 1 second delay. When using an annoucement from an IVR or other sources that have already answered the channel, that 1 second delay may not be desired.

Destination after playback: