Outbound Routes

This section allows you to flexibly configure outbound routing system
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Route Name
Name of this route. Should be used to describe what type of calls this route matches (for example, 'local' or 'longdistance').

Route Password:Optional: A route can prompt users for a password before allowing calls to progress. This is useful for restricting calls to international destinations or 1-900 numbers.

A numerical password, or the path to an Authenticate password file can be used.

Leave this field blank to not prompt for password.
PIN SetOptional: Select a PIN set to use. If using this option, leave the Route Password field blank.:
Emergency DialingOptional: Selecting this option will enforce the use of a device's Emergency CID setting (if set). Select this option if this set of routes is used for emergency dialing (ie: 911).:
Intra Company RouteOptional: Selecting this option will treat this route as a intra-company connection, preserving the internal Caller ID information and not use the outbound CID.:
Music On Hold:You can choose which music category to use. For example, choose a type appropriate for a destination country which may have announcements in the appropriate language.
Dial Patterns:A Dial Pattern is a unique set of digits that will select this trunk. Enter one dial pattern per line.

X    matches any digit from 0-9
Z    matches any digit from 1-9
N    matches any digit from 2-9
[1237-9]  matches any digit or letter in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9)
.    wildcard, matches one or more characters
|    separates a dialing prefix from the number (for example, 9|NXXXXXX would match when some dialed "95551234" but would only pass "5551234" to the trunks)

Dial patterns wizards These options provide a quick way to add outbound dialing rules. Follow the prompts for each.
Lookup local prefixes This looks up your local number on www.localcallingguide.com (NA-only), and sets up so you can dial either 7, 10 or 11 digits (5551234, 6135551234, 16135551234) to access this route.
Trunk Sequence:The Trunk Sequence controls the order of trunks that will be used when the above Dial Patterns are matched.

For Dial Patterns that match long distance numbers, for example, you'd want to pick the cheapest routes for long distance (ie, VoIP trunks first) followed by more expensive routes (POTS lines).